Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All About Him

This is a wordle I created using words that come to mind when thinking obout my Lord and King. Many of these words came from the poem from my last post while others are words that came to mind. Click on the picture to get a bigger version of it.

Wordle: All About Him

Monday, February 16, 2009

All Because of Him

Jesus Christ, He is the one.
He is the Father's beloved son.
He gave His life that I may live.
Eternal life He did give.
He seeks perfection and I fail that test.
But the Lord forgives so I may rest.
He lifts me up when I am down.
He is my lifeline when I start to drown.
He promises me more than I deserve.
He asks that I have a heart to serve.
I give my life and live for Him.
He fills my cup up to the rim.
I search my heart to find God's grace.
He puts me in to run His race.
I'll share His love with all who hear.
I must steer clear of my one true fear.
I shall not care what people think.
But for God I'll be a single link.
God gave his son as the perfect gift.
Forever praises to Him we'll lift.
Why He had to feel the pain?
To prove that God will always reign.
Jesus Christ has love for me.
I lay it out there for all to see.

By: jimbeanz09

This is a poem I wrote last semester. I was laying in bed one night and I couldn't sleep. I had words running through my head. I kept thinking about the things God has done for me and everyone else. I was thinking about all the promises He has made and the things He has asked us to do. I thought about the things I know I should do but fail at each and every day. That night I really thought about how He calls us to live for Him every day in every way. I ended up writing this out before I fell asleep that night so that I would never forget it. I just thought I would share it with everyone who happens to come across my blog.

In Christ

Facebook: Good or Bad?

After reading what Will Ross and a few others had to say about Facebook, I would like to give my own brief opinion. I understand where everyone in the article is coming from. As a nation we have become overly dependent on technology. Personally, I am on my phone talking to someone or I am texting friends and family throughout the day. I also spend too much time on facebook trying to keep in contact with everyone I know. I would like to say that the reason for me using my phone or Facebook is to keep in touch with people that are too far away for me to see in person but that just wouldn't be entirely true. Sure I like to get on Facebook to chat with friends who no longer live by me or to talk to family from back home. I also like to call my family that lives in Iowa to see how everything is going. The problem is, I also spend a lot of time texting people that are on campus with me and I spend a lot of time on Facebook playing games or looking at pictures that my friends have posted. I guess maybe throughout each day I could limit myself to just using the phone when i really need to or maybe only getting on Facebook to send a quick hello to friend from far away. I could try turning my phone off for most of the day until I need it. It wouldn't be a bad idea for me to find a way to keep from being so dependent on the technology I have surrounded myself with. It's easy to look past the fact that you "need" something throughout the entire day. I can't go twenty minutes without checking my phone to see if I recieved a text or call.